
有声书 | Robin Hood 《罗宾汉》 09






Robin Hood  



Sally M. Stockton

今日连载 | Robin Hood  09


Chapter 9: A Stranger in the Forest


One evening Robin was hunting in the forest. He saw a knight riding an old, tired horse. The knight wore the red cross① of the Crusader.


"Good evening, young man," said the knight. "What is the name of this forest?"


"This is Sherwood Forest, sir," answered Robin.


"I have come from the Holy Land. I was there for many years. I fought many wars against the Turks. Now I am very tired and hungry," said the knight.


Robin said, "Brave knight, come and eat with me and my men. You can stay with us tonight."

"Thank you for your offer②. I am happy to accept it."


The two men rode through the forest together. Robin told the stranger about greedy King John and his wicked sheriff. He told him how the poor people suffered. He explained why he became an outlaw. The stranger listened carefully.There was a good meal of roast pork③ that evening. The stranger liked the merry company of Robin, Marian and the outlaws. He talked about his adventures in the Holy Land.


At the end of the meal, Robin stood up and said, "Let us drink to good King Richard, and to his return!"


Everyone cheered and drank to good King Richard and to his return.


Then the stranger stood up, took off his head-covering, and said, "My friends, I must tell you the truth. I am not a knight. I am your King Richard, also called the Lionheart!"


There was silence for a moment. The surprise was so great!


Then everyone at the table cheered and cried, "Welcome home, King Richard!"


Everyone knelt④ down. Robin said, "We thank God for King Richard's return."


"I am a lucky⑤ king. I have loyal people," said King Richard, with tears in his eyes. "I know that my brother John and his men are dishonest⑥ and greedy. Now I am here to punish the bad and bring justice to all."


King Richard looked at everyone and said, "You are not outlaws anymore. You are now free men and all friends of mine. Robin, the lands of Locksley are yours again! You can all leave Sherwood Forest and live as free men." There was great excitement⑦ in the air.


That night, King Richard slept in Sherwood Forest. The following morning he rode to Nottingham with Robin, Marian and his friends of Sherwood Forest.


When the Sheriff saw them, he ran away and never returned!


After the King's return, Robin, Marian and Little John went to Locksley. They lived a long and happy life. Some of the outlaws returned to their old homes and villages. Some went looking for adventure. Others became soldiers in the King's army.


In everyone's heart, there was a beautiful memory⑧ of the years spent in Sherwood Forest.



① cross: 十字架。

② offer:提供帮助。

③ roast pork:烤肉。

④ knelt:跪下。

⑤ lucky:幸运。

⑥ dishonest:不诚实的。

⑦ excitement:兴奋。

⑧ memory:回忆。


◆ 资源 | 牛津书虫系列(文本音频合集)

◆ 资源 | 圣诞大礼包

◆ 资源 | 小王子系列 (有声书及电影合集)

◆ 资源 | 纳尼亚传奇系列 (小说全集+电影)

◆ 资源 | 小猪佩奇 中英文动画+绘本合集

 资源 | 漫威英雄电影系列

◆ 资源 | 奥斯卡最佳动画长片合集

◆ 资源丨《走遍美国》全78集(MP4视频 等)

 合集 | Peter Pan (彼·得潘) 

◆ 合集 | 美国英雄 (Davy Crockett)

◆ 合集 | 美国传奇故事 (附音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | Zorro (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 风中奇缘 (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 欢乐洋节日(含音频文本资源)

图片  |  网络

编辑  |  孟一凡





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